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OIM Orthopedics makes 3D scanning a spearhead

OrthoShapes is one of the suppliers with which OIM Orthopedie is making the move to 3D scanning. Less laborious, faster, location independent and cheaper, these are just a few of the list of advantages that 3D scanning brings over traditional measurement and correction techniques. OIM Orthopedie now uses both white light and Ipad scanners. These scanners are used for fitting orthopedic shoes as well as instruments. OrthoShapes is involved in scanning for orthopedic instruments, such as ankle-foot orthoses, prostheses, corsets, splints and more. OrthoShapes also mills parts for orthopedic instruments from OIM Orthopedie.

“The higher goal for us is always to provide excellent quality aids care to our clients. We see scanning as a valuable addition to the range of instruments that our orthopedic advisors already use,” says Fred Verhagen, division manager of OIM Orthopedics. “We gain as much experience as possible with 3D scanning in a short period of time, giving enthusiastic colleagues plenty of room to experiment with meaningful applications.”

Niels Admiraal, orthopedic specialist in Noordwijkerhout, is one of those enthusiasts: “To enable broad adaptation of scanning, I developed an online course together with other colleagues. If the hardware and software work well and colleagues know how to use them, it becomes easier to overcome obstacles. All signals are now green at OIM Orthopedie to make it a success. I really like that, because I am very enthusiastic about 3D scanning.”

Nina van Bergen, orthopedic consultant in Haren, compares the white light scanners with the iPad scanners: “To be honest, I prefer to work with the white light scanner, but the iPad scanner does have significant advantages. The most important thing is that it is easy to take with you, so you don't have to go to an external consultation hour with a whole suitcase with equipment and a laptop. Another advantage is that you don't have to paste dots as a reference.”

OIM Orthopedie is using this year to get a good grasp of 3D scanning. This also includes determining for which clients the technology has added value and for which it does not. It is expected that 3D scanning will, among other things, yield efficiency gains and facilitate cooperation between the 28 branches in the Netherlands. That is why OIM Orthopedie is making 3D scanning a spearhead for the coming years.


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