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Bewegingsvisie chooses OrthoShapes

The anniversary year has only just begun, but there is already some great news to share. After an intensive tender process, OrthoShapes was chosen as the winner of the Bewegingsvisie tender for milling all models of Bewegingsvisie members.

As a team we are extremely proud that we have won this project. We would like to thank all existing customers within Bewegingsvisie for trusting us and would like to welcome all new customers to our company. Over the years we hope to intensify the collaborations with all our customers and take them to a higher level.

Over the next two years we will mill the molds for all Bewegingsvisie members, besides this we will of course help all members in the coming years to further digitize and innovate within orthopedics.

Big thanks to all the companies below for the trust:


Bedankt voor de inzending!

0318 253 046

Ottostraat 8, 6716 BG Ede, Netherlands

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